• Ebook The art of computer programming - Volume 3: Sorting and searching (Second edition - 2011) - Part 1

    Ebook The art of computer programming - Volume 3: Sorting and searching (Second edition - 2011) - Part 1

    "The art of computer programming - Volume 3: Sorting and searching" comprises Chapters 5 and 6 of the complete series. Part 1 of book included chapter 5 is concerned with sorting into order; this is a large subject that has been divided chiefly into two parts, internal sorting and external sorting. There also are supplementary sections, which develop auxiliary theories about permutations and about optimum techniques for sorting.

     412 p hdu 06/07/2022 374 0

  • Ebook The art of computer programming - Volume 3: Sorting and searching (Second edition - 2011) - Part 2

    Ebook The art of computer programming - Volume 3: Sorting and searching (Second edition - 2011) - Part 2

    "The art of computer programming - Volume 3: Sorting and searching" comprises Chapters 5 and 6 of the complete series. Part 2 of book included chapter 6 deals with the problem of searching for specified items in tables or files; this is subdivided into methods that search sequentially, or by comparison of keys, or by digital properties, or by hashing, and then the more difficult problem of secondary key retrieval is considered.

     400 p hdu 06/07/2022 102 0

  • Ebook Data mining: Concepts and Techniques (Third edition) - Part 1

    Ebook Data mining: Concepts and Techniques (Third edition) - Part 1

    This book "Data mining: Concepts and Techniques (Third edition)" is an extensive and detailed guide to the principal ideas, techniques and technologies of data mining. The book is organised in 13 substantial chapters, each of which is essentially standalone, but with useful references to the book’s coverage of underlying concepts. Please refer to the content of part 1 of book.

     363 p hdu 06/07/2022 130 0

  • Ebook Data mining: Concepts and Techniques (Third edition) - Part 2

    Ebook Data mining: Concepts and Techniques (Third edition) - Part 2

    This book "Data mining: Concepts and Techniques (Third edition)" is an extensive and detailed guide to the principal ideas, techniques and technologies of data mining. The book is organised in 13 substantial chapters, each of which is essentially standalone, but with useful references to the book’s coverage of underlying concepts. Please refer to the content of part 2 of book.

     377 p hdu 06/07/2022 99 0

  • Ebook Cloud application architectures: Building applications and Infrastructure in the Cloud - Part 1

    Ebook Cloud application architectures: Building applications and Infrastructure in the Cloud - Part 1

    Part 1 of book "Cloud application architectures: Building applications and Infrastructure in the Cloud" provide students with knowledge about: cloud computing; amazon cloud computing; before the move into the cloud; ready for the cloud; cloud application architectures; the value of cloud computing; cloud infrastructure models; service levels for cloud applications;...

     112 p hdu 06/07/2022 97 0

  • Ebook Cloud application architectures: Building applications and Infrastructure in the Cloud - Part 2

    Ebook Cloud application architectures: Building applications and Infrastructure in the Cloud - Part 2

    Part 2 of book "Cloud application architectures: Building applications and Infrastructure in the Cloud" provide students with knowledge about: data security; network security; host security; disaster recovery planning; disasters in the cloud; disaster management; scaling a cloud infrastructure; capacity planning; amazon web services reference;...

     94 p hdu 06/07/2022 99 0

  • Ebook Distributed systems: Principles and Paradigms (Second Edition) - Part 1

    Ebook Distributed systems: Principles and Paradigms (Second Edition) - Part 1

    Part 1 of book "Distributed systems: Principles and Paradigms (Second Edition)" provide students with knowledge about: definition of a distributed system; architectural styles; self-management in distributed systems; client-side software for distribution transparency; message-oriented communication; stream-oriented communication;...

     339 p hdu 06/07/2022 117 0

  • Ebook Distributed systems: Principles and Paradigms (Second Edition) - Part 2

    Ebook Distributed systems: Principles and Paradigms (Second Edition) - Part 2

    Continued part 1, part 2 of book "Distributed systems: Principles and Paradigms (Second Edition)" provide students with knowledge about: fault tolerance; reliable client-server communication; reliable group communication; distributed object-based systems; distributed file systems; distributed web-based systems;...

     366 p hdu 06/07/2022 83 0

  • Ebook Database System Concepts (Sixth edition): Part 1

    Ebook Database System Concepts (Sixth edition): Part 1

    This book "Database System Concepts (Sixth edition)" present the fundamental concepts of database management. These concepts include aspects of database design, database languages, and database-system implementation. Part 1 of book provide students with knowledge about: database-system applications; relational databases; structure of relational databases; introduction to SQL; intermediate SQL; advanced SQL; formal relational query languages;...

     651 p hdu 06/07/2022 104 0

  • Ebook Database System Concepts (Sixth edition): Part 2

    Ebook Database System Concepts (Sixth edition): Part 2

    This book "Database System Concepts (Sixth edition)" present the fundamental concepts of database management. These concepts include aspects of database design, database languages, and database-system implementation. Part 2 of book provide students with knowledge about: transaction management; concurrency control; recovery system; system architecture; database-system architectures; parallel databases; distributed databases; data warehousing,...

     725 p hdu 06/07/2022 100 0

  • Ebook Programming and problem solving with C++ (Sixth edition): Part 1

    Ebook Programming and problem solving with C++ (Sixth edition): Part 1

    Part 1 of book "Comprehensive edition: Programming and problem solving with C++ (Sixth edition)" provide with knowledge about: overview of programming and problem solving; C++ syntax and semantics, and the program development process; numeric types, expressions, and output; program input and the software design process; conditions, logical expressions, and selection control structures;...

     677 p hdu 06/07/2022 96 0

  • Ebook Programming and problem solving with C++ (Sixth edition): Part 2

    Ebook Programming and problem solving with C++ (Sixth edition): Part 2

    Part 2 of book "Comprehensive edition: Programming and problem solving with C++ (Sixth edition)" provide with knowledge about: arrays; classes and abstraction; array-based lists; dynamic data and linked lists; inheritance, polymorphism, and object-oriented design; templates, operator overloading, and exceptions; introduction to data structures using the standard template library;...

     721 p hdu 06/07/2022 88 0

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