• Lecture Computer architecture - Lecture 10 + 11: Pipelined processor design (cont.)

    Lecture Computer architecture - Lecture 10 + 11: Pipelined processor design (cont.)

    Lecture "Computer architecture - Lecture 10 + 11: Pipelined processor design (cont.)" provide students with content knowledge such as: handling of pipeline hazards; pipeline hazards; structural hazard; pipeline data risk;... We invite you to take a look at the content of the lecture.

     42 p hdu 27/06/2023 124 0

  • Lecture Computer architecture - Lecture 3: ISA design princples

    Lecture Computer architecture - Lecture 3: ISA design princples

    Lecture "Computer architecture - Lecture 3: ISA design princples" provide students with content knowledge such as: ISA design is hard; five aspects of ISA design. We invite you to take a look at the content of the lecture.

     32 p hdu 27/06/2023 146 0

  • Lecture Computer architecture - Lecture 1: Introduction

    Lecture Computer architecture - Lecture 1: Introduction

    Lecture "Computer architecture - Lecture 1: Introduction" provide students with content knowledge such as: the computer evolution; classic components of a computer; technology trends; semiconductor technology; computing cost trends;... We invite you to take a look at the content of the lecture.

     26 p hdu 27/06/2023 131 0

  • Lecture Computer architecture - Lecture 2: Performance measurement

    Lecture Computer architecture - Lecture 2: Performance measurement

    Lecture "Computer architecture - Lecture 2: Performance measurement" provide students with content knowledge such as: defining computer performance; measuring execution time; CPU Performance;... We invite you to take a look at the content of the lecture.

     25 p hdu 27/06/2023 133 0

  • Lecture Computer architecture - Lecture 14: Summary

    Lecture Computer architecture - Lecture 14: Summary

    Lecture "Computer architecture - Lecture 14: Summary" provide students with content knowledge such as: the 5 aspects in ISA design; ISA performance; arithmetic processing unit implementation; pipelining principle;... We invite you to take a look at the content of the lecture.

     19 p hdu 27/06/2023 123 0

  • Lecture Computer architecture - Lecture 13: Memory (cont.)

    Lecture Computer architecture - Lecture 13: Memory (cont.)

    Lecture "Computer architecture - Lecture 13: Memory (cont.)" provide students with content knowledge such as: measuring cache performance; memory stall cycles; impacts of cache performance; average memory access time (AMAT);... We invite you to take a look at the content of the lecture.

     31 p hdu 27/06/2023 141 0

  • Lecture Computer architecture - Lecture 9: Pipelined processor design

    Lecture Computer architecture - Lecture 9: Pipelined processor design

    Lecture "Computer architecture - Lecture 9: Pipelined processor design" provide students with content knowledge such as: multi-cycle processor; the idea of pipelining; pipeline performance; MIPS ISA supports for pipelining;... We invite you to take a look at the content of the lecture.

     33 p hdu 27/06/2023 127 0

  • Lecture Computer architecture - Lecture 12: Memory

    Lecture Computer architecture - Lecture 12: Memory

    Lecture "Computer architecture - Lecture 12: Memory" provide students with content knowledge such as: the ideal memory; memory technology DRAM; memory technology SRAM; memory hierarchy; a typical memory hierarchy; memory in a modern system;... We invite you to take a look at the content of the lecture.

     27 p hdu 27/06/2023 120 0

  • Lecture Computer architecture - Lecture 5: MIPS ISA (2)

    Lecture Computer architecture - Lecture 5: MIPS ISA (2)

    Lecture "Computer architecture - Lecture 5: MIPS ISA (2)" provide students with content knowledge such as: procedure/function call; Compiling a procedure call in MIPS; MIPS call convention; MIPS call convention: memory layout;... We invite you to take a look at the content of the lecture.

     31 p hdu 27/06/2023 89 0

  • Lecture Computer architecture - Lecture 4: MIPS ISA (1)

    Lecture Computer architecture - Lecture 4: MIPS ISA (1)

    Lecture "Computer architecture - Lecture 4: MIPS ISA (1)" provide students with content knowledge such as: memory addressing modes; operations in the instruction set; encoding the instruction set; the role of compilers. We invite you to take a look at the content of the lecture.

     38 p hdu 27/06/2023 84 0

  • Lecture Computer architecture - Lecture 7: Single cycle processor design

    Lecture Computer architecture - Lecture 7: Single cycle processor design

    Lecture "Computer architecture - Lecture 7: Single cycle processor design" provide students with content knowledge such as: Building a processor: datapath & control; instruction execution; MIPS instruction execution; Building MIPS datapath;... We invite you to take a look at the content of the lecture.

     39 p hdu 27/06/2023 101 0

  • Lecture Computer architecture - Lecture 6: Arithmetic processing unit implementation

    Lecture Computer architecture - Lecture 6: Arithmetic processing unit implementation

    Lecture "Computer architecture - Lecture 5: Arithmetic processing unit implementation" provide students with content knowledge such as: arithmetic for computers; integer addition and subtraction; overflow; carry generate and propagate;... We invite you to take a look at the content of the lecture.

     32 p hdu 27/06/2023 68 0

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