• Ebook Integrated nutrient management for sustainable crop production: Part 1

    Ebook Integrated nutrient management for sustainable crop production: Part 1

    Part 1 of ebook "Integrated nutrient management for sustainable crop production" provide readers with content about: global food production and plant nutrient demand - present status and future prospects; integrated nutrient management - present status and future prospects; integrated nutrient management - experience and concepts from the United States; integrated nutrient management - experience and concepts from Canada; integrated nutrient...

     270 p hdu 11/11/2022 35 0

  • Ebook Integrated nutrient management for sustainable crop production: Part 2

    Ebook Integrated nutrient management for sustainable crop production: Part 2

    Continued part 1, part 2 of ebook "Integrated nutrient management for sustainable crop production" provide readers with content about: integrated nutrient management - experience and concepts from New Zealand; integrated nutrient management - experience from South Asia; integrated nutrient management - experience from China; integrated nutrient management - experience from rice-based systems in Southeast Asia; integrated nutrient management -...

     317 p hdu 11/11/2022 29 0

  • Ebook Plant pathology: Concepts and laboratory exercises (Second edition) - Part 1

    Ebook Plant pathology: Concepts and laboratory exercises (Second edition) - Part 1

    Part 1 of ebook "Plant pathology: Concepts and laboratory exercises (Second edition)" provide readers with content about: plant pathology and historical perspectives; what is a disease; introduction to the groups of plant pathogens; groups of plant pathogens; plant pathogenic viruses; mechanical inoculation of plant viruses; pathogenic prokaryotes; laboratory exercises for plant pathogenic bacteria; plant-parasitic nematodes; pathogenicity and...

     271 p hdu 11/11/2022 27 0

  • Ebook Plant pathology: Concepts and laboratory exercises (Second edition) - Part 2

    Ebook Plant pathology: Concepts and laboratory exercises (Second edition) - Part 2

    Continued part 1, part 2 of ebook "Plant pathology: Concepts and laboratory exercises (Second edition)" provide readers with content about: parasitic seed plants, protozoa, algae, and mosses; abiotic diseases; molecular tools for studying plant pathogens; molecular tools for studying plant pathogens; molecular techniques used for studying systematics and phylogeny of plant pathogens; plant–pathogen interactions; plant–fungal interactions...

     307 p hdu 11/11/2022 28 0

  • Ebook Plant Nematology (2nd edition): Part 2

    Ebook Plant Nematology (2nd edition): Part 2

    Continued part 1, part 2 of ebook "Plant Nematology (2nd edition)" provide readers with content about: quantitative nematology and management; plant growth and population dynamics; distribution patterns and sampling; international plant health – putting legislation into practice; biological and cultural management; nematode resistance in crops; genetic engineering for resistance; chemical control of nematodes;...

     242 p hdu 11/11/2022 29 0

  • Ebook Plant Nematology (2nd edition): Part 1

    Ebook Plant Nematology (2nd edition): Part 1

    Part 1 of ebook "Plant Nematology (2nd edition)" provide readers with content about: taxonomy, systematics and principal genera; structure and classification; molecular systematics; root-knot nematodes; cyst nematodes; migratory endoparasitic nematodes; migratory endoparasitic nematodes; nematode biology and plant–nematode interactions; reproduction, physiology and biochemistry;...

     323 p hdu 11/11/2022 33 0

  • Ebook Soil sampling and methods of analysis (Second edition): Part 2

    Ebook Soil sampling and methods of analysis (Second edition): Part 2

    Continued part 1, part 2 of ebook "Soil sampling and methods of analysis (Second edition)" provide readers with content about: soil organic matter analyses; soil physical analyses; soil water analyses; unsaturated hydraulic conductivity: laboratory tension infiltrometer; unsaturated hydraulic properties: field tension infiltrometer;...

     644 p hdu 11/11/2022 63 0

  • Ebook Soil sampling and methods of analysis (Second edition): Part 1

    Ebook Soil sampling and methods of analysis (Second edition): Part 1

    Part 1 of ebook "Soil sampling and methods of analysis (Second edition)" provide readers with content about: soil sampling and handling; diagnostic methods for soil and environmental management; soil chemical analyses; soil biological analyses; cultural methods for soil and root-associated microorganisms;...

     619 p hdu 11/11/2022 69 0

  • Ebook Principles of Genetics (Sixth edition): Part 1

    Ebook Principles of Genetics (Sixth edition): Part 1

    Part 1 of ebook "Principles of Genetics (Sixth edition)" provide readers with content about: the science of genetics; cellular reproduction; mendelism: the basic principles of inheritance; extensions of mendelism; the chromosomal basis of mendelism; variation in chromosome number and structure; linkage, crossing over, and chromosome mapping in eukaryotes; the genetics of bacteria and their viruses;...

     22 p hdu 11/11/2022 32 0

  • Ebook Principles of Genetics (Sixth edition): Part 2

    Ebook Principles of Genetics (Sixth edition): Part 2

    Continued part 1, part 2 of ebook "Principles of Genetics (Sixth edition)" provide readers with content about: the techniques of molecular genetics; genomics; applications of molecular genetics; transposable genetic elements; regulation of gene expression in prokaryotes; regulation of gene expression in eukaryotes; the genetic control of animal development; the genetic basis of cancer; inheritance of complex traits;...

     20 p hdu 11/11/2022 30 0

  • Ebook Kỹ thuật trồng và chăm sóc cây lạc

    Ebook Kỹ thuật trồng và chăm sóc cây lạc

    Cuốn sách "Kỹ thuật trồng và chăm sóc cây lạc" trình bày các lợi ích và cách thức trồng lạc nhằm giúp cho độc giả, cán bộ kỹ thuật và bà con nông dân nắm được các kỹ thuật trồng, chăm sóc; kỹ thuật xen canh và quản lý sâu bệnh hại nhằm tăng hiệu quả sản xuất cây lạc. Mời các bạn cùng tham khảo!

     135 p hdu 11/11/2022 61 0

  • Ebook Cẩm nang cây lúa (Quyển 1: Thâm canh lúa cao sản) - Phần 1

    Ebook Cẩm nang cây lúa (Quyển 1: Thâm canh lúa cao sản) - Phần 1

    Phần 1 của cuốn sách "Cẩm nang cây lúa (Quyển 1: Thâm canh lúa cao sản)" trình bày những nội dung về: thế nào làm thâm canh lúa; những yêu cầu kỹ thuật đối với ruộng lúa năng suất cao; đặc điểm của các giống lúa thuần cao sản; nguồn gốc của cây lúa trồng và hệ thống phân loại cây lúa; hạt lúa và chất lượng thương trường; cây lúa non (cây...

     179 p hdu 11/11/2022 73 0

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